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Arashan Canyon

The Arashan canyon is amazingly beautiful. Throughout of 5 km from the beginning, with the high rocky boards, the sprouted bushes, the Arashan canyon has width only 20-30 m. Then it extends and becomes more convenient for travel. Slopes are densely grown with a fur-tree and represent an amazing show.

Arashancanyon has many picturesque green glades, springs with cold pure water and water falls.

At height about 2600 m, in a wide valley with a fir forest, green meadows and fragrant colours, on right riverside is located the "Arashan" resort ("golden springs"), constructed in 1963 in the place with hot wells with high mineralization. Down the canyon Arashan, 2 kmaway from resort there is virgin and natural thermal well, surrounded around by fur-trees.

Arashan canyon slope are covered by fur-trees. Many streamlets with the transparent and pure water, streaming between small coloured stones run into the river Arashan. The right board of Arashan canyon stays almost parallel to the main ridge, forming picturesque conayon Tash-Tektir. A river which flows on a canyon's bottom has the name of Tash-Tektir.The top part of Arashan canyon is ended by huge ice-covered mountain, called "Aksuu wall" (5022m), and on the east - peak the Soviet Russia (4900m).